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Day 4

Lead with your heart.

Heart chakra -Anāhata resonates with our emotional perceptions of the world. It’s associated with the element of air, evokes our capacity to love and let go; to enhance our emotional development and encourages us to expand our love beyond our ‘Self.’

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Day 5

Speak your truth.

Throat chakra - Viśuddha, meaning “pure” or “purification” is the passage of the energy between the lower chakras and the higher. Related to the element of space & sound, this chakra is all about expression and communication.

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Day 6

Trust your intuition.

Third-eye chakra - Ājñā, “beyond wisdom,” the gate that leads to the inner realms, acts as the individual's center of inner wisdom, conscience, and higher consciousness. Associated with the element of light, illuminating everything as it is without the filter of your past, your expectations, or your judgment.