Art & Therapy - Fall Edition
Art & Therapy - Fall Edition
This booking confirms your reservation for one on Thursday, November 10th at 6pm. 10.11.2022 from 18:00 till 21:00.
€20 ticket price is payable via cash at the event, or PayPal.
We look forward to welcoming you to our 4th Pasta & therapy event, where we come together to elevate the conversation over delicious drinks, snacks and more. However this time no Pasta but instead we are offering you a visual treat!
A guided tour of the Walther collection, and a retrospective exhibition of photographic works by Samuel Fosso, one of the most renowned contemporary African artists working today.
You can join us at anytime between 18:00 till 21:00 however the guided tour starts at 19:00!
When: Thursday, November 10th at 6pm. 10.11.2022 from 18:00 till 21:00.
Where: The Walther Collection, Neu-Ulm. Reichenauerstr. 21
89233 Neu-Ulm, Germany
Why: We believe that Art is a great vehicle for sharing culture with people from different backgrounds.
Everyone is open to interpret the same piece of art in their own unique way and that is the beauty of it. Pasta & therapy was a concept born to bring people from all different backgrounds together to share stories, ideas, and create profound connections. Our goal is to create an experience, wehre we get to meet inspiring new people who spark new ideas and broaden our horizons, paired with revitalizing drinks.
Your ticket is NON-refundable. In case you are not able to make it please feel free to send a friend to take over your spot and let us know as we are not able to offer you a refund.
Art & Therapy- Fall edition
The pasta & Therapy network is not just about inspiration and learning from each other, we are a tribe of like-minded people who aim to boost your mood, help you believe in your dreams and give a fresh perspective on the decisions and challenges ahead.
It is a collective, and we aim to surround ourselves with people who cheer each other on, and believe in team spirit & success.
In the Fall edition of our pasta & therapy we not only aim to bring people from all different backgrounds together to meet, greet, mingle and create lasting connections, but we also would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Walther collection and their current exhibition of photographic works by Samuel Fosso .
The ticket costs is €20 per person which includes:
Your entry to this private event as well as an exclusive pasta and therapy membership
Guided tour of the The Walther Collection, as well as, the exhibition of photographic works by Samuel Fosso (b. 1962), one of the most renowned contemporary African artists working today.
A selection of Alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages.
Most importantly a chance to inspire you to “nourish your creativity”, mingle with others, creating meaningful connections to nourish personal or professional desires.
Due to the fact that we are an international community, the main language of the event is English, however if you are more comfortable expressing yourself in German we are still looking forward to having you and hearing your story.
The concept behind pasta and therapy
We have all learned a lot during these past 20 months or so and one of the biggest lessons for us has been Connection. We need to create and sustain meaningful connections, from deep meaningful strong bonds between friends or partners, to meeting inspiring new people who spark new ideas and broaden our horizons. And what better way to bring us all together than sharing a nourishing meal and refreshing drinks.
Food is a great vehicle for sharing culture with people from different backgrounds. I lived in New York for a while and I remember having dinner parties, meeting complete strangers, and those were some of the coolest experiences, because we would get to taste and share dishes while learning so much about one another. This is what makes food so special, it is at the center of all cultures and family gatherings. We have many of our biggest moments in life either preparing or sharing a meal. So we would like to invite you to join us in our next Pasta & therapy event; where we explore various dishes from around the world, paired with revitalizing drinks to bring people from all different backgrounds together to share stories, ideas, and create profound connections.
Please stay tuned for all our future events….