Day 3
Let’s ignite the fire.
Burn baby burn…
The Manipura or Navel Chakra is the third wheel of energy and is associated with the element of fire. This chakra represents our personal power, governs our self-esteem, personal identity, digestion, and metabolism.
Manipura underlines a person’s ability to develop healthy self-esteem and inner power, (balanced ego) and be able to acknowledge and control his/her powers. Notice the interests of others, and participate in teamwork. It’s motivating force is ambitious for fame and honor.
When imbalanced it can affect relationships in a way where one feels that the other’s ego and ambitions take over the relationship. For example an excessive concentration on their own success, social and or family meaning while undermining the role of each other.
My intention behind today is for us to discover:
Our self-confidence, our sense of purpose, and awaken self-motivation. So we realize we don’t need any external forces to compliment, guide or motivate us. Our power source is within. When presented with an issue, you’re able to let it go and not attach to the external circumstances at hand.
Meditation 3
A meditation practice to guide you to kindle your inner fire, and allow that fire to transform things to help you achieve your intentions. Realize the power within you, bow to the fire, power, light and the blaze of transformation within you.
Yoga session 3
Have a tissue handy, grab your props and meet me on the mat for a revitalizing practice.
Allow me to leave you to explore what this chakra means to you and how you can find your connection to balancing this energy. Use the below handout to explore so many different ways and aspects that you can awaken and heal this space. But remember fire will transform and melt the ego, however too much fire can burn us down. Great opportunity to take time and explore balancing the three chakras you have explored , from root (earth energy) to being in the flow and allowing your creativity to be fluid (water energy), to adding the element of fire to the mix and allowing the heating sun energy awaken the inner power and find balance between all three.
Lets get sciencey :)
I must mention that traditionally the chakra system is considered quite distinct from the glandular system: chakras are found in the subtle body (the pranamaya kosher), while the endocrine system is definitely part of the physical body (the annamaya kosher.) They are not the same thing, although we can link correlation between the energy levels purported to surround the chakras and the energies that stimulate various glands. It may only be a coincidence, but it is quite fascinating.
The endocrine gland associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra is the pancreas.
The pancreas – the source of insulin, plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body's cells.
It is said that when the third chakra is weak, we use power from a place of insecurity and relate to the world from our ego. Some say that the projections of the ego are influenced by the Pancreas. When the ego is challenged, a person can unconsciously crave foods such as refined sugars or white flour, which cause spikes in blood sugar, that can help to numb a person from their higher consciousness.
Chanting session 3
In understanding how mantra works, it can be helpful to look at its translation. The word mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words—manas (mind) and tra (tool). Mantra literally means “a tool for the mind,” and was designed to help practitioners access a higher power and their true natures. Mantra is a sound vibration through which we mindfully focus our thoughts, our feelings, and our highest intention,” Over time, that vibration sinks deeper and deeper into your consciousness, helping you to eventually feel its presence as shake—a powerful, if subtle, force working inside each of us that carries us into deeper states of awareness.
The below Mantra has been specifically chosen for this day as the meaning behind the lyrics is:
om gam ganapataye namaha
“salutations to the remover of obstacles.”
Lead us from ignorance to knowledge
Lead us from darkness to light
Peace, peace, peace
Begin by lying down or sitting in a comfortable position and allow Steffi Bichweiler to guide you through this experience. Highly recommend chanting alongside of her. Follow or reach out to her @go.cyclic on Instagram.
“Let Go of Who You Are and Become Who You Might Be” “Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.”_ Rumi
That is one (actually two) POWERFUL poem(s) that I wanted to share with you in order to inspire you to let that fire transform you and burn anything that is holding you back from achieving your dreams. And if you are feeling inspired to journal about your experience and jot down your feelings, questions, thoughts I would like to leave you with the following prompt for today:
3) Keep your intention foremost in your mind and take action…
After doing some deep thinking and creating your intention (whatever that might be) take a look back at your notes and I encourage you to revisit your intention daily and ask, “What’s one step I can take today to get me closer to this future?” Practice what is known as macro to micro, from the big picture to details… this is called “living from the future backward.” Again I’m using super silly examples just to make the point clear…If you desire to be married, it’s time to let go of that person who won’t commit, wasting your time on silly relationships that YOU KNOW wont lead to what you need for long term happiness. If you want a better job, it’s time to send out resumes. If you want to start a business, it’s time to make a plan and take your first action steps. What is the one (even the smallest) thing I can do to contribute to my long term intention TODAY! WRITE IT AND DO IT! Today is the day we take action. Let the fire guide you…