Art & Therapy


Art & Therapy- Summer edition

Beyond the Binary

We look forward to welcoming you to our 6th Pasta & therapy event, where we come together to elevate the conversation over delicious drinks, snacks and more. However this time no Pasta but instead we are offering you a visual treat!

A guided tour of the Walther collection, contemporary photography from Africa with the first dialogic exhibition of works by Santu Mofokeng (1956-2020) and David Goldblatt (1930-2018)

You can join us at anytime between 18:00 till 21:00 however the guided tour starts at 19:00!

When: Friday, July 14th at 6pm. 14.07.2023 from 18:00 till 21:00.

Where: The Walther Collection, Neu-Ulm. Reichenauerstr. 21
89233 Neu-Ulm, Germany

Why: We believe that Art is a great vehicle for sharing culture with people from different backgrounds.

Everyone is open to interpret the same piece of art in their own unique way and that is the beauty of it. Pasta & therapy was a concept born to bring people from all different backgrounds together to share stories, ideas, and create profound connections. Our goal is to create an experience, wehre we get to meet inspiring new people who spark new ideas and broaden our horizons, paired with revitalizing drinks.


Friday 14/07/ 2023 at 18:00

The Walther Collection. Reichenauerstr. 21
89233 Neu-Ulm, Germany

Free entrance

Vinothek am Michelsberg will be providing a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for purchase.

Any Questions, Comments or feedback?

Please contact me directly.


📲 01701960306