7 Days of Yoga


Program Overview

A journey inwards to find unity and balance

A Program that incorporates the science behind balancing the chakra system with breath work, meditation, mindful movement, vibration and mantra chanting, and so much more.

Watch the below intro clip for an overview of this program.


I started this program because….

Even though I grew up in a very spiritual, open minded, open to new ideas and believes type-of-family, I wanted to pursue a very different life for my self. I envisioned my self as a “successful career driven type” And after achieving what I had defined as success, I still felt empty, unhappy and not at peace with myself or what I had surrounded myself with.

I was introduced to Yoga, and Ayurveda, and fell in love with both right away but I found the whole idea of the chakras so new age at first, and not appealing to side of me that wanted to know the science behind it all.

After struggling with a ton of physical and emotional issues, I realized that my initial take on the chakras was so shallow. I became obsessed with balancing the energy centers in my body, and after seeing the wonders it did for me, my body, my life and my well being both physically and emotionally that I decided to share everything I have learned through my journey in this one program.

In 7 days we will explore what Yoga means to you and how can you find balance and achieve unity through balancing your chakra centers and the various elements (earth, water, air, fire and space) within.

This program is open to all, even if you have no Yoga experience, or if you are a yogi and want to deepen your practice and understanding.

Here is my story ….